♕ MicaSP.com ♕ MICA CASP – Markets in Crypto Assets Service Provider

MICA CASP mica regulated crypto asset service provider in EU

2024 is truly a milestone in Crypto Regulation  – The EU establishes the first regulated MICA/ MARKETS in CRYPTO ASSETs – Within the legal framework there are regulations concerning so called CASPs, meaning CRYPTO ASSETs SERVICE PROVIDERs


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♕ Tokenrecht ♕ Tokenemittent Tokenaktie Tokenberater Tokensachwert u.a.


Umbrella Domainbundle covering the regulated EU / DE markets in crypto assets tokenized for investment and stability, also referring the deployment, offering and trading these Token Assets.

Token Business und Facilities in Deutschland

Die beginnende disruptive Tokenisierungs-Ära im Finanzgeschäft wird zu neuen Wortschöpfungen führen wie bspw. der Aufruf einer speziellen “Tokenimmobilie XYZ” oder “Tokenaktie 123” als Suchbegriff und Kurztitel für alle Crypto Asset Beteiligungen (“tokenisierte Immobilie”).

Wir bieten diese Geschäftsdomains einzeln (ab 300€ netto) oder in diskontierten Gruppen an. Bitte nehmen Sie einfach Mail-Kontakt auf.





Tokenraffle.de – Tokenraffle.eth – Tokenraffle.crypto
Ask for the web2/web3 #token #raffle #domainbundle
Don`t miss to make an offer for this HOT TOPICs DOMAIN

♕ Kräutermedizin.de ♕ Naturheilung – Pflanzenheilkunde – Phytotherapie

Eine schöne Domain für viele verschiedene Anbieter. Die Pflanzenheilkunde oder Phytotherapie gehört zu den ältesten medizinischen Therapien und ist in allen Kulturen rund um den Erdball beheimatet. Pflanzliche Arzneimittel können die Stimmung heben, die Konzentration fördern und die Nerven beruhigen.

Ein informativer Spektrum Artikel bechreibt die Apotheke der Natur und die Wissenschaft über traditionellen Heilpflanzen Spektrum der Wissenschaft

Für die zunehmenden Anbau- und Herstellungsbetriebe, für Kurs- oder Anwendungsanbieter in Deutschland empfiehlt sich diese sprachgebräuchliche Umlaut Domain Kräutermedizin.de (deutlich besser als eine fehlerfrohe Schreibweise: Kraeutermedizin).

Bei Interesse bitte ein Angebot rund um 1.000 € machen.

The ArtAuth social enterprise

Draft: Art Authentication/ Authorization independently managed on the blockchain with the help of consensual human supervision and shared knowledge via DAO (decentralized autonomous organisation).

The use of NFTs (artwork tokenization) and transparent blockchain documentation today enables an immutable solution to protect, track and license Artworks globally.

Also we have AI tools at hand to research, synch and update data at scale related to attribution and provenance as well as to ownership/ title/ sales issues referring the lifecycle of tokenized Artworks.

Yet there is a need of human intervention and data supervision before publishing an AI aided provenance evaluation.  As a social enterprise ArtAuth aims to create a consensus mechanism enabling tokenized catalogues raisonnés en fin.

Aided by a DAO Authority this provenance research and data processing can be verified collaboratively with shared knowledge of a bigscale members panel (zero knowledge ident). The ArtAuth DAO as an independent members coalition can even decide on ArtAuthentication verdicts esp. concerning incomplete or doubtful artwork identification (bottom up instead of top down verdicts and without fearing costly litigations).

The ArtAuth thinktank is open reaching out for your expertise and skills.
Please ask for the detailed biz case. 

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♕ TaxfreeToken.com – DutyfreeToken.com ♕ Global usecase to easily refund int. Shoppings

TaxfreeToken.com / DutyfreeToken.com are logical steps into the web3 society

If you are a travelling Shopper and trying to get your taxes refunded, its always an annoying paperwork switching between the customs, shops and other intermediaries. Thats why some smart service providers already offer one-stop-solution and scooped up provisions from billions of money spend for shoppings in a foreign country.Continue reading →

♕ VirtualCryptoAsset.com ♕ The hottest Keywords in regulated Tokenized Investment Markets #RWA #Domainsale

#Domainsale VirtualCryptoAsset.com ... three hot topic Keywords soaring the FinTech decentralised finance era with tokenized shares, VC, funds, equity, assets investing

VirtualCryptoAsset.com names the vehicle which will drive #RWA and #TOKENIZATION around the world – No doubt, the doors to regulated Real World Assets as tokenized virtual asset investments are wide open. The EU is quite ahead with its already released legal framework MICA (Markets in Crypto Assets) regulation to enable RWA investments in many different ways. Now the US will follow the pace and facilitate its own Virtual Crypto Asset Regulations.

While the EU with MICA uses the term “Crypto Assets”, the US regulators favour “Virtual Assets” – So all these hot topics are combined in this Genre Domain.

♕ VirtualCryptoAsset.com ♕ is for sale now in the morning of a sunny business adoption ahead. Just reach out and make your offer around 3.4k USD, we are yet in an early stage of decentralised finance and asset tokenization… and regulation outside of EU!

This price level 3.4k USD is fair for running the biz or making a flip.

And don`t forget to make a sightseeing while here, e.g. this UMBRELLA TOPIC

♛ MICATOKEN.com ♛ Tokenized Investments with regulated Virtual Crypto Assets #Domainsale

♕ MicaSP.com ♕ MICA CASP – Markets in Crypto Assets Service Provider