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$IGN Domains are key account business cases, often including a business startup proposal (ask details pls.) – They are storytelling and viral enabling easy customer approach.

$IGN Domains are covering many Toplevels TLD and different Namespaces, since a few years often as multipurpose BUNDLES e.g. combining DNS with ENS addresses to guarantee today web 2 ecommerce with tomorrow web 3 blockchain powered business.

$IGN Domains are selected with senior brand experiences, ready to launch a profitable niche market enterprise. They pull search-engine traffic as well as pushing own adspaces to promote selected webprojects and crypto contents – Perfect as investment too. Call up for discounts.

♕ ♕ Smartly managed ENS gateway to web3 powered tokenized ecosystem is a combination of  #web3 hot topics, namely "tokengate" + "exchange". This domain is suggested to operate via #ENS Namesystem into its own decentralised Ecosystem. A Tokengate manages all ...

♕ Tokenrecht ♕ Tokenemittent Tokenaktie Tokenberater Tokensachwert u.a.

THEMATISCHE TOKEN .DE DOMAIN ANGEBOTE: MICATOKEN.DE  + MICATOKEN.COM Umbrella Domainbundle covering the regulated EU / DE markets in crypto assets tokenized for investment and stability, also referring the deployment, offering ...

♕ Krä ♕ Naturheilung – Pflanzenheilkunde – Phytotherapie

Eine schöne Domain für viele verschiedene Anbieter. Die Pflanzenheilkunde oder Phytotherapie gehört zu den ältesten medizinischen Therapien und ist in allen Kulturen rund um den Erdball beheimatet. Pflanzliche Arzneimittel können ...

♕ ♕ KI für dialogorientierte Chatbots und Sprachanwendungen ist die Top-Adresse für AI/ KI gestützte Solutions, die sprachgesteuerte Interaktion, Dialogführung oder problemorientierte Mediation ermöglichen. Bitte nehmen Sie Kontakt zum Team auf ...

♕ ♕ professional players #attitude #domainsale

Brandable attitudes of a pro Zocker Brave - Skilled - Savvy - Professional!  ...

The ArtAuth social enterprise

Draft: Art Authentication/ Authorization independently managed on the blockchain with the help of consensual human supervision and shared knowledge via DAO (decentralized autonomous organisation).The use of NFTs (artwork tokenization) and ...

♕ – ♕ Global usecase to easily refund int. Shoppings

If you are a travelling Shopper and trying to get your taxes refunded, its always an annoying paperwork switching between the customs, shops and other intermediaries. Thats why some smart ...

♕ F1stream.eth ♕ Livestream cameras at global F1 racetracks

Its always challenging to view the best livestream cam channels around the Formula One racetracks for free. No wonder these Fans and Lifestyle Gourmets also join the crypto forces and ...

♕ ♕ Perfect Company Domain to promote STO and Tokenization services

Regulated Security Token Offerings (STO) will offer investment opportunities  from the segments of Luxuries, Collectibles, Art, Classic Cars, Design Icons, also Real Estate, Infrastructure, IP rights and Startup Funding, Company ...