(+ social network) – Global Artwork Authorization gateway

ArtAuth Art Authority Authentication Authorisation

1. Domain Investors:

ArtAuth makes it straight … the modern IT encryption
Art Authorization | Art Authentication | Art Authority

Full spectrum web2-web3-social Network for share of voice:
ArtAuth.eth /ArtAuth.DAO / ArtAuth.nft/ 

addons: Twitter/ Instagram accounts @artauth is the best claim for market leadership and Authority around Art Authorization/ Copyright Protection & Licensing issues incl. Art Authentication. ArtAuth offers a full spectrum of media channels to generate a massive share of voice. A modern techie story appeal with brand potential.

ArtAuth is a reasonable supplement to established portals like Artnet, Artprice, Artnews, Artnome, Artfacts, Artslant, Artmag etc.

The ArtAuth Address Network enables synched communication with Artists, Connoisseurs and Experts across web2, web3 and social media channels. The portal provides gateways to blockchains, dApplications and more upcoming onchain technologies. ArtAuth is open to integrate external experts, databases, AI tools …

Interested in buying the complete ArtAuth address network?
We plan to release the ArtAuth address bundle for sale soon.

2. VC  BizCase Investors & Partners

Please ask for the business case, a ready to roll out innovative facility for enabling Art Authorization & Artwork Licensing procedures in a new way. Its core functions include web3 gateways and blockchain features, also needy AI tools can be added.

We have a detailed ArtAuth Business Exposé at hand, if you are curious as a VC Angel rather than a Domain Investor. Please reach out for the brainwork behind ArtAuth communications.


Btw.: Watch out Domain Investors in Fine Art – Oldmaster.Art is for sale. Bundled with Oldmaster.nft to trade across web2 and web 3 facilities. A very serious connection. 

If you are interested in Virtual Reality Art (in Metaverse), please visit