Are you a Dreamer?
Are you liquid? Bagged enough?
Welcome to FirstClass – Come on you 🍒UHNWI Rocket people, let`s ⩨party and cruise 🚀
GM Elon and Richard! Have you ever heard of tokenized #DWA (Dream World Assets)? Hope you are aware that we are tokenizing a limited edition dream on your Rocket ships?!°Â
btw. When Moon?
This is actually the 1st ever post triggering the FIRSTCLASS.MOON #DWA Token Narrative. No sleeping allowed anymore. Wait4news!
———– some TOKEN usecases ———-

♕ Oldmaster.ART / Oldmaster.NFT ♕ Tokenized Masterpieces Art Market – Fine Art Investment #Domainsale
OLDMASTER.ART bundled with future-ready OLDMASTER.NFT for sale! The today artmarket with old Masterpieces/ BlueChips is profitable and in good health ...

♕ ♕ Exchange hub and gateway to web3 powered tokenized ecosystems is a combination of three very hot crypto economy topics, namely "token" + "gateway" + "exchange". Alltogether they promote ...

â™› â™› Tokenized Investments with regulated Virtual Crypto Assets #Domainsale
Starting of EUROPE REGULATION 2024 ff: A new Era of legally regulated TOKEN INVESTMENTs challenging a full range of approved ...
♕ Tokenrecht ♕ Tokenemittent Tokenaktie Tokenberater Tokensachwert u.a.
THEMATISCHE TOKEN .DE DOMAIN ANGEBOTE: MICATOKEN.DEÂ + MICATOKEN.COM Umbrella Domainbundle covering the regulated EU / DE markets in crypto assets ...

♕ – ♕ Global usecase to easily refund int. Shoppings
If you are a travelling Shopper and trying to get your taxes refunded, its always an annoying paperwork switching between ...

♕ ♕ Perfect Company Domain to promote STO and Tokenization services
Regulated Security Token Offerings (STO) will offer investment opportunities from the segments of Luxuries, Collectibles, Art, Classic Cars, Design Icons, ...

♕ ♕ The hottest Keywords in regulated Tokenized Investment Markets #RWA #Domainsale names the vehicle which will drive #RWA and #TOKENIZATION around the world - No doubt, the doors to regulated ...

â™› Shopper.eth â™› Multipurpose consumer business #ENS Domain with hub & sub revenues
Shopper.eth is on sale, offered for 40eth on and! A unique genre domain focusing commercial web3, nextgen customer ... (@socials) – Multipurpose Network to operate a trustless immutable Art Authorship/ Authentication/ Authorization/ Authority
THE ART AUTH CLEARING DOMAIN BUNDLE: Nomen est Omen - ArtAuth was formerly known as GOOD FAITH Today with #RWA ...

FirstClass.Moon – OMG this is not true! A very limited vip edition of Dream World Assets #DWA
Are you a Dreamer? Are you liquid? Bagged enough? Welcome to FirstClass - Come on you 🍒UHNWI Rocket people, let`s ...