Web3 usecases with #ENS Domains e.g. NFTwhois.eth … NFTposter … NFTpicks.eth … NFTchips.eth
Each of these curated #ENS #Domains have a storytelling NFT usecase – Either to launch a MERCH STORE on NFTposter.eth or to run #B2B or #B2C services like NFTwhois.eth with project INVESTIGATIONs on web3.
Why not even roll out an NFT gamble occasion with some tokenized TOKEN RAFFLES we offer these fine #ENSdomains #UDfam #BNS Webaddresses together with a business plan if you like.
NFTposter.eth … Real world twins to patch your digitral Artworks on the wall
NFTwhois.eth … Actively resolve your due diligence procedures/ offer services
Bundling is really big … Multimedia Appearance with better Share of Voice/ Business
TokenRaffle.eth. TokenRaffle.nft TokenRaffle.crypto .. across all systems synched
♕ NFTshareX.com | NFTshare.X = Strategic Domainbundle for a decentralised Shareconomy
Complete Domainbundle incl. 60x UD-Crypto Domains with Toplevel .NFT
Non-fungible-tokens (NFTs) are with no doubt advantageous in terms of confirming rights, tracking and identifying assets via digital identities. NFTs deploy self-enrolling smart contracts on the blockchain which open the doors to reinvent a global Sharing (d)Economy without intermediaries.Continue reading →
location-based-service.de – Trenddomain globales LBS Business
Wir bieten die Domain Location-Based-Service.de zum Verkauf, z.Zt. supergünstig in unserem rollierenden BUY NOW Angebot
Aus einem Fachbeitrag auf ip-insider.de:
Typische Anwendungsbeispiele für Location Based Services sind:
- Anzeige von Points of Interest (PoI) wie Geschäfte, Restaurants, Banken oder Tankstellen
- positionsabhängige Anzeige von Werbung und Aktionen
- Teilen des Standorts mit anderen mobilen Teilnehmern
- Routenplanung
- Anzeige von verfügbaren Verkehrsmitteln und Verkehrsinformationen
- ortsbezogene Online-Spiele
- interaktive Reiseführer
- Lokalisierung bei Notrufen
- Verfolgung von Lieferungen
- ortsabhängige Steuerung von Prozessen in der Industrie
- ortsabhängige Mobilfunk- und Kommunikationsservices (zum Beispiel spezielle Tarife
LOCATION-BASED-SERVICE.de … optimal geeignet für Branchenunternehmen:
Domain vorübergehend im BUY NOW für 799.- € + Ust.
VR360Headset.com – Modern panoramic virtual reality entertainment gear
The steady innovation of #VR virtual reality gear with up to 360 degree displaying Headsets/ Goggles has enabled very smooth consumption of panoramic art/ photo/ video/ graphical entertainment, gaming, training, education and lots of upcoming applications for creatives and consumers.
This domain VR360Headset.com is a combo of high frequency keywords/ phrases searching for hardware and software and VR gear to enjoy 360° all around contents. You are right in time to launch a Preview or Product testing and positively influence 360° VR Headset shopping.
Buy now 500.- USD to use the domain as tactical futureproof keyword pull.
Pimax Dream Air –
the World’s Smallest Full-Feature 8K Resolution VR Headset
Meta Quest 3S
Mid-price headset with great resolution
Playstation VR2
VR system with eye tracking option
HTC Vive Cosmos Elite/ XR
Top-quality VR headsets
Pimax Crystal Super DVT2
Pimax brought the Crystal Super DVT2 model with the 57 PPD QLED optical engine, with all features such as local dimming 2.0, integrated audio, inside-out tracking, all features except eye-tracking.
Meta Quest 3
and some more. There is competition on all price levels so this domain VR360Headset.com will be a great traffic pull.
♕ VRliveshow.com ♕ Everyone ahead in Virtual Reality is thrilled by live entertainment
A great new business challenge in VR/ Metaverse entertainment is the possibility to virtually experience live events inside 360° panoramic environments while staying at home. Beside VR gaming, Avatar interaction, streaming real world events, also educational and social applications etc. there are huge market potentials in several Metaverses that unfold. Continue reading →
Freelancer.de – sold
12 years profitable recruitment Germany, sold to Freelancer.com
♕ ARjackpot ♕ ARcoupon.com ♕ ARcontest.com ♕ ARsweepstakes.com ♕ Augmented reality BRAND Promotions
Augmented reality added Shopper Marketing
New trends in augmented
consumer promotions and package design!Continue reading →
♕ VRprofiler.com ♕ … shaping deep virtual identities for Avatars in Metaverse, Games, Recruitment, Investigation, Promotion
This domain covers the full spectrum of immersive figure & character profiling, from the Recruitment bot interviewer to 3D scratch to SDK to fullsize streaming VR humanoids and holografic avatars. Continue reading →
SwapDApp.crypto – HOT TOPIC Domain with CNS gateways to DEX crypto exchange application
SwapDApp.crypto not only covers 2 profitabel billion dollar business keywords “SWAP & DApp” … It really provides multipurpose programable DeFi ACTION by a user click! This is a CNS web 3.0 address with complete cryptomoney SWAPPING features and more DeFi DApp gateways!
Unique generic domain + actionsale in Cryptospace. This CNS crypto-domain enables a fullsize DeFi action UserInterface with multitask decentralized DeFi programs to connect with. Swapping, trading, payments, stalking … anything works out directly on the blockchain.
DApp usecases and premium keyword impact in the c ryptospace.