♕ ARjackpot.com ♕ Increase in Brand Awareness and Interaction with Augmented Reality

arjackpot.com Premium Domain for salespromotion

Augmented Reality enhanced promotion campaigns like AR animated branding and 3D packaging gadgets engage new consumer-brand experiences with recordbreaking attraction.

If you are an advertising creative, a brand director, an event manager, a media designer or a pos marketing manager… Augmented Reality changes your storyboards and sales-force promotions:
AR advertising campaigns combine real and virtual enviroments enriched with faszinating 3-dimensional, multi-layer, all-around, immersive user-brand adventures! Any kind of audiovisual effects, figures, games, informercials or sweepstakes popout the brandsign – Just a smartphone AR app, some AR glasses will do, but lots of other media screens e.g. like outdoor windows and busstops have been tested to visualize the AR experience sucessfully.

New style AR enhanced sweepstakes let players engage in an interactive winning contest, like collecting virtual coupons all around their place or racing a live branded jackpot rallye through the city. They can even buy products featured in the gamified experience… All the immersive action is layered over product packages, print ads, p.o.s. displays, outdoor billboards/ windows and elsewhere …

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If you decide to bundle 2 or more AR domains we will certainly negotiate a good discount. Please just reach out, thx.

Have a share of voice and a piece of the AUGMENTED REALITY MARKETING cake
combining ARjackpot.com with these trendy Domains … just ask for a bundle discount!

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ARcontest.com – Domain for sale
Augmented Reality Sweepstakes
ARsweepstakes.com – Domain for sale
ARcoupon.com offers discounts and rebates
ARcoupon.com – Domain for sale


≈ Portfolio Virtual and Augmented Reality ≈

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