dEconomy.X || dEconomic.X – The paradigm shift towards Sharing Ecosystems

Domainbundle for Sale: dEconomy.X together with dEconomic.X

dECONOMY.x names the monumental paradigm shift that is happening right now. The new systems of economy are based on decentralized data management and trustless networking. There are so many deep and disrupting changes and upgrades entering worldwide business of all trades along with the independent blockchain functionality and with all the layers, contracts and applications deployed on the blockchain… we could write books here.
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LICENCES.crypto – HotTopic Keyword + CNS multi Action Domain – Supply global licensing issues managed on the blockchains

All kind of governance aspects can be facilitated on Licences.crypto Rights, title deeds or software licenses are now created or deployed on blockchains often loaded with cryptomoney or valuable NFT assets - Supply the new comercial Crypto Markets with licences.crypto

All kind of authenticating Licensing & Authorization & Governance issues can be facilitated thru this CNS domain (without intermediaries) – With connected governance and market DApp features this web 3 portal can certify and deliver different sorts of Licences promptly – The stealthmode of crypto Licences is highly appreciated by all users.Continue reading →

♕ ♕ One Aigent to answer millions of Virtual Reality questions Domainsale - A million questions - One answering Bot

“VR HOW does … ?” … a very common and massively growing searchphrase due to thousands of weekly new #VR products, software, devices, games and services are flooding the consumer markets. There is a huge need for tutorials, hacks, mods and configs, chats and searching for #VirtualReality #Experts! Startups welcome.

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Absolute Premium-Sportdomain und führendes Fanzine mit kontinuierlichen Live-Reportagen von allen Olympischen Sommer- und Winterspielen (Launch 1996 Atlanta/ USA, Relaunches jeweils 1998 Nagano/ Japan, 2000 Sydney/ Australien, 2002 Salt Lake City/ USA, 2004 Athen/ Griechenland, 2006 Turin/ Italien, 2008 Peking/ China, 2010 Vancouver/ Canada, 2012 London/ UK, 2014 Sochi/ Russland, 2016 Rio/ Brasilien ) sowie auch von den Youth Olympic Games.

Liebhaberprojekt verkauft

Nach 18 Jahren Redaktion rund um das sportliche Megaevent und Kulturphänomen Olympia haben wir 2016 einen fairen Nachfolger für dieses prominente Nachrichten und Recherche-Magazin gefunden.Continue reading → – Virtual Reality Neuvorstellungen

Virtual Reality Hardware und Software testen und diskutieren

Es gibt viel zu testen – Pack du schon mal an:

In den kommenden Monaten und Jahren wird eine Riesenwelle neuartiger Virtual Reality Devices vorgestellt, innovative VR Spiele, virtuelle Informations- und Metaverse Entertainment Angebote werden den Markt überschwemmen. Kaum jemand kennt sich wirklich aus und eine zentrale Frage wird immerfort im Raum stehen: “Wie funktioniert das?”Continue reading →